Friday, November 27, 2009

A daily thing to do.

That is to blog. I'm starting to get the hang of it... I guess?

Well, my family and I went to watch 2012. The movie seemed really melancholic in a sense that, one day, we may not even be able to fight for our lives. It is truly a great inspirational movie in a positive point of view that no matter how harsh it is, we need to continue moving along in our lives such that we accomplish what we want, in this case, life. A simple mistake could bring us all down at once. It's like riding an unicycle on a rope between two skyscrapers. The magnitude of wind above can just push us easily off the rope and we'll land terribly on the floor face down.

However, what seems to be of value is this :

Humanity will fall apart when each and every one of us chooses not to fight for each other's lives.

Going for exposure tomorrow. It'll be dead boring. That's all I can say about it. Estimated time to waste on the program would be 24-30hrs.

Are you there?
Can you hear me?
I'm speaking to you with my heart.
In silence. Without words or actions.
I wonder...
If you can hear me...
Just listen closely.
I have a tale.
It's about my life.
I'm saying... I'm not a lover.
I'm admitting... I'm not a caring person.
I ain't got what it takes to be human.
Because I never cared for others.
Or loved anyone.
Nor shared feelings with anyone.
Maybe I'm destined to work alone.
But I ain't wanting this to happen.
Not even when it's to be so.
Not even when you say so.
I know no one can work alone.
Everybody needs someone.
I need someone.
I'm part of everybody.
But I don't belong in it.
Scary thought isn't it?
It gives me great curiousity.
To experience life.
In another's shoes.
For I want to know.
How it feels like.
To be loved.
Cared for.
And share moments together...
*In order to receive something, one must be the first to give*
*I wanna give. Not for the sake of receiving*
*But How?*